
Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Tuesday- good quote

     Mandi and I went to the temp agency and applied yesterday. I have to go back Thursday for an interview and Mandi has to go back Wednesday. They told her she was interviewing for a phone survey place paying $9 an hour but they didn't tell me anything. I hope they find me something that I want to do all the time. While Mandi is at her interview I have signed up to do a mystery shop checking prices at some places. It pays $30 and I had to be there anyhow with nothing to fill the time with so this works perfect. I am also doing another shop saturday morning before work. Its a resturant and it pays $10 plus reimburses for my meal up to $8. My goal is to do about 5 shops a week. I would like to pick up some merchandising work also. I applied for two local ones today. One is at CVS and the other one is some gardening place.

     I got a really cool quote in my email today. I like that message it sends.
"The most self-destructive thought that any person can have is thinking that he or she is not in total control of his or her life. That's when, ‘Why me?’ becomes a theme song."

-- Roger Dawson


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