1. Lose 96 Pounds Heaven knows I need to lose more than this but its only 8lbs a month and lets face it I haven't lost any pounds in months so I would honestly be thrilled to death to lose 96lbs.
2. Remodel the Trailer I bought this trailer and it needed a ton of work. Truthfully it was in way worse shape than I even imagined but its mine and its a place to live. I didn't do nearly as much to it last year as I should have done so 2013 is going to be the year I get it at least liveable.
3. Start Dating again since I feel that 2013 is the year that God is going to send me a mate in then it goes to reason I need to date :).
4. Photo A day I love taking pictures but anymore I am so boring that I have not much to take pictures of. I want to get back into taking pictures and I am going to make a post once a week with that weeks pictures.
5. Blog More Often there have been weeks go by and I don't blog anything. I need to do more so I can say more :). Toward that end, I am going to post once a month on the goals.
6. Coupon More I love couponing and always have. I love to get a deal and I have gotten some awesome deals over the years but not nearly as many as I could have.I need to get organized and save more money.
7. Save more Sadly I think I currently have $9 in savings. I am going to start to refund more and put all of that in a savings account. I have a lot I need to spend money for such as fixing up this place but I want to manage to get some money in savings.
8.Take a trip Last year the only real trip we took was a weekend trip to Wheeling. We had a ton of fun and loved it so much. I want to take a real vacation and go somewhere fun this year too. I would love to be able to go to Dollywood but maybe to Texas to see the grandbabies if I can get the car in decent shape.
9. Read the Bible more This should have been first. I think growing in grace and knowledge is more important that anything but I haven't been doing a good job of it. I haven't read the Bible as I should have. I haven't done bible studies. I honestly want to grow closer to God and know that His word is one of those ways I need to do this.
10. Be More Social I have become way more isolated in the past year. I want to get out and do more this year. I want to visit friends and family. I want to go to parties. If I can get the trailer in decent shape so I am not ashamed I will have people over more.
11. Do more Pinterst I have pinned tons of interesting pins on crafts, cooking and just lots of other fun ideas. I want to start doing more of these pins. At this point even doing one pin a month would be an improvement.
12. TBA Can't think of one currently but will add it as soon as I think of it. :).