
Friday, March 01, 2013

March 1st


Well today is March 1st.  Growing up in school I remember we always were taught that if March comes in like a lion it will go out like a lamb or vice versa. Its cold and snowy here in southern WV today so I am going with it being a lion, so hopefully we are seeing the end of winter and March will go out like a lamb :) So far my March is going great since I got an email that I won from Shawn Ann's World.  I won Adora Calcium Supplements, I can't wait to try them out. I love chocolate and these are good for me.  Thats my second win of this year. A good start to a month I am dreading. I used to love March, it was my second favorite month because all the flowers start to bloom and the trees bud. Now my mind is constantly screaming thinking that this month will make 1 horrible dreadful year since my brother's accident :(.

I just heard from Kathi Macias  that today is National Peanut Butter Lover's Day and National Pig Day so here is a recipe I found to celebrate with.  This isn't what we are having since I was unaware of the holiday.

Peanut Butter Glazed Ham from Paula Deen  If you want to combine the 2 flavors in once dish :)  I love ham about any way you fix it but I haven't ever thought of combining it with peanut butter. I do like peanut chicken though so it might be good.

This probably will already be gone by the time you read this but I got one.   A free Fiji Straw , its available to the first 2000. Not sure why its special straw but I shall see.


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